
Acne treatment in Islamabad

Treatment of acne is becoming standardised slowly following consensus statements from different dermatological organisation and societies. However its important to remember few important points before one starts treating acne with the help of medications. 1: Acne can...

Skin Laser treatment in Islamabad

Skin laser in Islamabad Are you looking for getting laser skin treatment for any condition. You are in the right place as islamabaddermatologist.com under supervision of Dr Ghazanfar Ali who is dermatologist and skin specialist in Islamabad is offering new and best...

Complications of filler and its treatments

Complications of fillers As a dermatologist in Islamabad I am seeing problems associated with fillers performed by poorly trained doctors. This problem is growing due to more and more use of fillers for various reasons. Complications from fillers is a rare phenomenon...

Hair dye and side effects

Hair Dye and side effects Dermatitis of scalp due to hair products especially due to hair dye  is common world wide. Its one of most common reason for patch testing in dermatology clinics. Other products causing allergy of scalp are hair products, shampoos,...

Acne in children

 Acne in Children This kind of problem in dermatology is slightly uncommon however its not a rare problem. Normally I see such cases in my paediatric dermatology clinic. It is worrying for new mothers as they don’t want their newborn to suffer from acne with...