by admin | Dec 16, 2020 | aesthetic skin care, hair disorders
Laser hair removal/reduction in Islamabad Lasers treatment is Islamabad is a common treatment. Almost all dermatologists in Islamabad are providing this treatment. Who is providing the best care and expertise? Hair removal laser is one of the most common skin...
by admin | Nov 18, 2019 | hair disorders, skin care
Skin laser in Islamabad Are you looking for getting laser skin treatment for any condition. You are in the right place as under supervision of Dr Ghazanfar Ali who is dermatologist and skin specialist in Islamabad is offering new and best...
by admin | Nov 16, 2019 | hair disorders, skin care
Hair Dye and side effects Dermatitis of scalp due to hair products especially due to hair dye is common world wide. Its one of most common reason for patch testing in dermatology clinics. Other products causing allergy of scalp are hair products, shampoos,...
by admin | Jun 20, 2019 | hair disorders, skin care
Alopecia (Hair loss) Hair loss is one of the most common presentation in dermatology clinics. Its most prevalent condition after age of 40 in men and after 50 in women. There are many different reasons for hair loss but most common cause of hair loss in androgenetic...
by admin | Oct 28, 2016 | hair disorders, skin care
PRP scalp One of the most recent advances in medical field is use of PRP in different medical specialties. Dermatologist are using this modality of treatment for number of reasons but scalp is the most common place for using PRP. So what is PRP very new...