
Face Pigmentation(melasma/chloasma)

Facial pigmentation is a big problem in women. It has become on of the common reason for visits to skin clinic. A lot is written about this problem and solving this condition. However for dermatologist this is one of those disease where there are numerous treatments but none are completely effective.

Patients are often not satisfied with the outcome of their treatment, and most are very expensive treatments. Whats the main reason for this condition….. This is the main question often asked by my patients. There is no single answer to this question. However main driver of this condition is UV light, which stimulates melanocyte(pigment producing cell) to produce more melanin.

There are other causes including hormones especially female hormones produced during pregnancy, hence the problem is worse during and after pregnancy. It can be also be caused by hormones containing tablets as well. More commonly low level of thyroid hormones, perfumes, cosmetic products are also implicated as causative agents.


How to treat the condition…. Perhaps the honest answer would be that no effective treatment exists which will clear the condition completely. Treatments employed would include creams( combination of 3 different creams) peeling, lasers, oral tablets are all used but results can be very unpredictable.

One main advice regarding management of Melasma… UV block is the mainstay of treatment of melasma. Unfortunately sunblock use is not easy and many people don’t know the correct use.

We take pride in providing best solutions for this challenging  condition. We employ most recent and evidence based practice for improving this condition. Please visit Dr Ghazanfar Ali clinic as he is one of the best skin specialist and best dermatologist in town.


If you are interested in help with your facial pigmentation then please visit our clinic or call for appointment

