Skin allergy is a wide term and it includes a lot of different conditions. Most common skin allergy is contact allergy. A substance coming in contact with skin gives itching and different symptoms and signs. Most commonly skin with itch and becomes red and inflamed. There can be inaction on top of inflammation which can be either bacterial, viral or fungal. This is called superadded infection which if not recognised, can give significant problems in management. It is important to identify and treat infection first before treating dermatitis.
For general physicians, and non dermatologist management of eczema is a big challenge. It is important to always consult a dermatologist as any steroid used for eczema with superadded infection can make the condition worse rather than making it better.
There is increase in incidence of contact dermatitis in recent years especially in the Western countries. This is due to the fact that we are exposed to more chemicals during our daily routine. We are in contact with chemicals from dawn till dusk. As a result more and more such patients are presenting to Dermatology offices with myriad of symptoms. This becomes extremely difficult when such patients are treated beforehand, thus making the diagnosis more challenging.
The same is the case for our young infants presenting with nappy rashes, body rashes and rashes on scalp. There is always an element of contact dermatitis with ongoing atopic dermatitis. As a result young parents struggle to cope with the diseases right from early age. They can be easily managed with appropriate consultations with well trained dermatologist….
You may get the best treatment from the best Dermatologist/skin specialist in Islamabad about your skin problems.
If you are unsure about your rash then please contact me on best Eczema treatment in Islamabad or